Carla Meninsky
While entering university to major in Math, she ended up with a degree in psychology specializing in visual perception from Stanford University in 1977. With her equally excellent math and art skills and a interest in computerized animation, she became a game developer…

Chris Maddox
Right out of high school she worked circuit board assembly, and here she learned her skills hands on. She first heard about Atari when her friend from high school Betsy, who worked in the stockroom, encouraged her to shift and come work for Atari in manufacturing…

Suki Lee
She graduated from San Jose State University with a degree in General Engineering with a Computer Science option. During her senior year, she interviewed with Atari on campus and was offered a position as a game programmer to start right out of college in August…

Danielle Bunten Berry
Born in 1949 in St. Louis, Missouri, Missouri, Danielle Bunten moved to Little Rock, Arkansas as a junior in high school. In 1974, she earned a B.S. in industrial engineering…

Dona Bailey
Dona Bailey skipped her last year of high school and started college at the age of 16 at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR). She especially liked the atmosphere…

Rebecca Heineman
Rebecca Heineman taught herself how to program at the age of 15 by reverse engineering and memorizing the complete instruction set for Atari 2600 (which she still remember today)…

Laura Nikolich
Laura Nikolich fell accidental into game development. Working as a business manager at a financial company, she was a attending a business meeting…

Carol Shaw
Carol Shaw graduated in 1977 with a bachelor degree from UC Berkeley in electrical engineering and computer science…

Betty Ryan
Betty Ryan was the first woman game developer at GCC. She created the Atari Quantum arcade game …

Patricia Goodson
Patricia Goodson is educated in piano performance from Peabody Conservatory, is an artist, writer and musician…

Carol Ryan Thomas
Carol Ryan Thomas is Vice President of Operations for a private financial management company and she was test and debugging Atari …

Lucy Gilbert
Lucy Gilbert is a MIT graduate in Computer Science, have her own tech company, and joined GCC in 83 to create Atari games…

Brenda Laurel
Brenda Laurel is the co-founder of Purple Moon, has a PhD in Drama theory focusing on Virtual reality…